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MANAGING EXPECTATIONS: Reflections on a snow day


What a beautiful snow we got Friday morning, wouldn’t you agree?

Sure, it made the roads tough to travel on, and I don’t envy the folks who had to drive in it. I’ve watched a few vehicles slip and slide down my steep hill in their big trucks. I’m sure grateful for our law enforcement, fire fighters and first responders who don’t have any choice in the matter but to drive in several inches of snow when they’re called upon to serve their community. And I’m glad that the City of West Plains kept the sanitation crews home — I’ve held my breath in the past as I watched those big trucks roll down my hill in seeming slow motion, only releasing air when I knew they arrived safely and without incident at the four-way stop at the bottom of the hill.

I’m also grateful for our mail carriers and delivery drivers. If you’re holding the print edition of today’s Quill in your hands, it’s because of them.

You know what else I’m thankful for?

I don’t love closing the office, but when law enforcement asks drivers to stay off the roads, I feel it is our duty to set the example. Thanks to technology, we can forward phone calls made to the office onto our customer service representatives who can help our customers from the safety and warmth of their home offices. Our editorial and sales staff can work to fill the Quill’s pages from the safety of yours. We are all just a phone call, email chat or Facebook message away from each other, and from you.

Of course, it’s always better to be in the office when we can. We love to see your smiling faces, and we know that we can help better with any concerns you may have by speaking with you in person when possible. But it’s a relief to know we can still provide the important community service we do even when we can’t be there in person.

Managing Expectations is a column in which I set out to explore topics relevant to the newspaper within the community, identify expectations — yours and mine — and think critically through them. If you’ve got a question or a concept to explore, no matter how tough, share it with me and we’ll consider it together. Send suggested topics to me by email at news@westplainsdailyquill.net; by mail to the West Plains Daily Quill, P.O. Box 110, West Plains, MO 65775; by phone at 417-256-9191; or in person at the Quill office, 205 Washington Ave. Note: I am most available for conversations between 9 a.m. and noon Tuesdays and Fridays, or 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.