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Area residents invited to attend career fair 


Area residents are invited to attend a Career Fair hosted by the Missouri State University-West Plains career services office from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Feb. 29 at the Student Recreation Center, 323 W. Trish Knight St., in West Plains.

Admission to this professional event is free for students, alumni and community members looking for employment, said Career Services Director Lindsey Hicks.

Area employers who want to reserve a booth should contact Hicks at 417-255-7230 or WPCareer@MissouriState.edu no later than Feb. 22.

During the event, participants may network with employers to explore career opportunities and apply for vacant positions on site. Representatives from a variety of industries plan to attend, Hicks said. These include education, manufacturing, healthcare, banking, retail, food services and hospitality, agriculture, law enforcement, and many more.

Those seeking jobs are encouraged to dress professionally, bring 10 to 15 copies of their resumes, prepare a summary of their skill sets, allow time to talk with employers, and bring a list of questions to ask employers, Hicks said.

For more information about the event, please contact Hicks at 417-255-7230 or at WPCareer@MissouriState.edu.