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Community calendar
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Know of an event not listed here? Email submissions by 9 a.m. Wednesdays to news@westplainsdailyquill.net with “CALENDAR” in the subject line. Three sentence maximum must include event description, date, time, location, cost and source for more information. Weekly events will be printed for no more than a month at a time unless renewed by the host. Call the Quill, 417-256-9191 with questions. Unless otherwise noted, events are in West Plains. more
Arts Alliance member events and activities: more
Below are several upcoming events at Missouri State University-West Plains, many of which are open to the community. Feel free to clip this calendar and keep it for your reference to make sure you don’t miss any events that might interest you. Also listed are several important dates on the university’s calendar that area residents might want to keep in mind. more
Arts Alliance member events and activities more
Arts Alliance member events and activities: more
Arts Alliance member events and activities: more
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