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Health and fitness
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February is recognized as American Heart Month. A diet that’s rich in fruits, vegetables and fish is recommended for optimal heart health. It is also important to limit saturated and trans fats and added sugars. more
Rubydoo’s Vintage Events/Collins Farms will host the eight annual Father-Daughter Dance on three nights: Friday, Saturday and Sunday. This year’s theme is “Snow White.”  more
Ozarks Healthcare is partnering with Community Blood Center of the Ozarks to host a blood drive from noon to 6 p.m. Friday at the Ozarks Healthcare Parkway Center, 1211 Porter Wagoner Blvd. in West Plains. more
We’ve made it past Groundhog Day — again — but whether Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow or not, winter can often feel unending this time of year. more
Live animals are not ordinarily allowed on the premises of a food establishment, according to 6-501.115 of the Missouri Food Code. Service animals who are controlled by a disabled employee or person are allowed in non-food-preparation areas if a health or safety hazard will not result from the presence or activities of the animal. more
Ozarks Healthcare officials announce Dr. Jen Lambert has returned to the health system’s Family Medicine clinic in West Plains. more
There will be a blood drive held from 12:30 until 4:30 p.m. in the main exhibit hall at the West Plains Civic Center, 110 St. Louis St. Blood supplies are very low this time of year, said officials, and donors with O-positive or O-negative types of blood are very much appreciated.  more
Dr. Thomas Harbert, orthopedic surgeon, has been welcomed by Ozarks Healthcare to its Orthopedics and Spine team. Harbert brings nearly three decades of expertise in orthopedics and sports medicine, with a passion for hands-on care and helping patients achieve better mobility and quality of life, said officials. more
Ozarks Healthcare Laboratory Services offers affordable lab screenings available throughout the year. These screenings are offered for a nominal fee, payable by cash or check only, and are available at multiple locations. more
February is American Heart Month, and Ozarks Healthcare officials say they are proud to join the nationwide effort to raise awareness about heart health and prevent heart disease. This year, Ozarks Healthcare is hosting several events and offering free screenings to encourage proactive measures for maintaining heart health. more
Paydan Clayton, family nurse practitioner, has been welcomed by Ozarks Healthcare officials to the health care system’s Wound Care team.  more
Ozarks Healthcare officials recently announced the return of Dr. Ryan Roberts, to its Pain Management Clinic and the addition of Vanessa Harvey, family nurse practitioner, to its team. Both providers bring a wealth of expertise and compassion to help patients manage chronic pain and improve their quality of life, said officials. more
"The Complete Mindbody Dictionary," written by Ronald Wayman and Denise Scholes, has made the Titan Literary Gold Book Award. 
Ozarka College will host an American Red Cross Blood Drive on Jan. 29 in the lobby of the John E. Miller Education Complex in Melbourne, Ark. more
After more than 40 years caring for patients in and around Mtn. Grove, Dr. David Barbe has officially retired, announce officials with the Mercy Health System.  more
Ultra-processed foods. It’s not a term many of us heard 10, or even five, years ago. But that’s starting to change. We now see it in news stories and posts on social media. And there’s good reason for that. more
With the new year having just begun, everyone is thinking of their new year’s resolutions. more
Ozarks Healthcare’s 2025 lineup of prenatal classes offers comprehensive guidance for expectant parents, from childbirth preparation to infant care and breastfeeding support. Led by certified experts from Ozarks Healthcare’s Women’s Center, these classes are designed to help new feel confident and ready for parenthood, said officials. more
Ozarks Healthcare Laboratory Services offers affordable lab screenings available throughout the year. These screenings are offered for a nominal fee, payable by cash or check only, and are available at multiple locations. more
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