The Missouri State Highway Patrol reported three men suffered minor injuries when their boat collided with a rock on the Eleven Point River in Oregon County.
The collision happened at 3:20 p.m. Sunday, 2 miles north of U.S. 160 in Oregon County, according to the patrol.
Cpl. L.B. Monahan, with Troop G of the patrol in Willow Springs, reported a southbound 2011 Blazer boat driven by Chazz W. Phelps, 30, Park Hills, struck a submerged rock. Phelps and passengers Joshua A. Boyer, 27, Ellsinore, and Connor J. Landeck, 30, St. Joseph, Mich., were thrown from the boat.
None of them wore a lifejacket and all refused treatment at the scene, Monahan reported.
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