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Girl donates doll to ‘make grandmas and grandpas happy’


In a world often overshadowed by its challenges, it's the simple, heartwarming gestures that can offer reminders of the innate goodness in people. One such story unfolded recently in West Plains, where a small act of kindness from a 5-year-old girl has touched hearts.

Trulyn Turner-Reed, daughter of Amanda Turner and Michael Reed, recently decided to donate her beloved babydoll, "Lilly," to the residents of Memory Lane at Cedarhurst of West Plains. "Lilly" isn't just any doll; she is a Reborn Doll, known for their hyper-realistic features that emulate those of an infant.

The inspiration for the generous act came one day as Trulyn and her mothe were scrolling through Facebook. They came across a post from Cedarhurst, sharing the joy a newly-acquired baby doll had brought to Cedarhurst’s Memory Lane residents.

"Trulyn immediately said she had a doll she wanted to donate," Amanda recounted with evident pride. When asked about her motivation, Trulyn’s reply was as pure as it was touching: "I wanted to do something to make the grandmas and grandpas happy."

The day Trulyn brought Lilly to Cedarhurst was nothing short of magical. Kim Harralston, Life Enrichment Director at Cedarhurst of West Plains, described the scene with heartfelt emotion: "It was just so precious, to see her walk around and introduce Lilly to all the Memory Lane residents," Harralston said. The sight of this small child sharing her cherished doll brought smiles and tears of joy to the faces of the elderly residents, many of whom suffer from memory loss and other cognitive challenges.

To learn more about Cedarhurst and for updates about community activities offered for residents and the public alike, including the upcoming Goat Gala and Fashion Show planned for Wednesday, follow @cedarhurstofwestplains on Facebook or visit cedarhurstliving.com/cedarhurst-west-plains-mo.