A fundraiser benefit to help pay for a child’s cancer treatment will be held from 4 to 7 p.m. June 19 at the Alton Fire Department, with giveaway drawings, craft and bake sales and face-painting.
Food will be provided by Bootlegger’s BBQ at a cost of $10 per plate.
Funds will go to support 5-year-old Casen Roe, son of Allena and Baylen Roe, who is diagnosed with hypopigmented mycosis fungicides skin lymphoma. Organizers of the event explain that hopes of remission are high with photodynamic light therapy, a treatment not covered by insurance. The cost for the therapy, they say, is $6,000 out of pocket.
A GoFundMe fundraiser is also available for donations, and has collected nearly half of the $6,000 goal since the fundraiser page was launched May 28. To contribute, visit gofund.me/65299e1a.
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