Leonardo DRS has joined the sponsorship team of West Plains Rides for Pedal the Cause by donating $1,000, organization officials announce. All are invited to join the cause at 8 a.m. Oct. 21 at West Plains High School for a community bike ride. Registration begins at 7:30 a.m. Spin bikes are available this year, organizers point out. Signup is $25 through Oct. 13 and may be done online at forms.gle/tzqR4FY3Kd5cbrff8. The entry fee will increase to $30 on Oct. 14. All money raised will be donated to Pedal the Cause to help fund innovative cancer research in hopes of one day eradicating cancer, say organizers. DRS employees, from left, are Terry Lunyou, Jana Barton, Mike Topliff, Stacey Silva, Jessica LaCrasse and Nina Tryon.