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New parents: Say no to bumper pads


Before a new baby arrives, there are so many exciting things to do to prepare for that special day when parents get to bring their little bundle of joy home.

Picking out a nursery theme, painting the walls and packing hospital bags are just a few things on new parents’ to-do lists. One thing that should be on this list is to remove those cute little bumper pads that often come with crib bedding sets.

Many parents don’t realize bumper pads can pose an increased risk of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) for their precious babies. As babies get older and can roll around in the crib, their faces can get too close to the bumper pad, which can obstruct their breathing.

Other ways to decrease a baby’s risk of SIDS is to put baby to sleep on his or her back, and avoid placing comforters, quilts, pillows and stuffed animals in their crib. Babies should sleep alone and not in a bed with others, and parents should avoid smoking while pregnant and prevent secondhand smoke around their babies once they’re born. They should also refrain from dressing babies too warmly.

For more information about safe sleep practices, check out www.dhss.mo.gov/ SafeSleep or call 800-877- 6246.