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Nutrition Month offers chance to focus on making healthy choices


With spring right around the corner, we can start thinking of warmer activities and planning for outdoor adventures. National Nutrition Month, recognized in March, is a great time to learn about making healthier food choices, developing better habits and teaching kids about making good choices at the table or store.

Many people enjoy planting gardens, not only for the great benefits of healthier eating, but also getting exercise while planting, pulling weeds and tending the garden area. Kids enjoy the learning process of watching something grow and picking fresh vegetables to eat. Consuming homegrown fruits and vegetables gives you the peace of mind of knowing no chemicals were added during the growing process. Saving money is another benefit; less waste from grocery store packaging, proper storage and saving time are a few other positive outcomes.

Supporting our local farmers when buying produce at a farmer’s market provides us benefits as well as the community.

Planning ahead and looking for new recipes that have healthier items will make it easier to choose better options. We can all make small steps to better wellness, whether by choosing a better snack, putting more fruits and vegetables in our daily meals or teaching a child to garden.