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Ozark Action board meets Jan. 23


The Ozark Action Board of Directors will meet for dinner at 5:30 p.m. Jan. 23 in Ozark Action Building 2, 720 E. Main St. in West Plains. Dinner will be followed by a business meeting beginning at 6 p.m., expected to last about two hours.

On the agenda for the regular board meeting, a board orientation and training and a Low Income Heating and Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) presentation will be given by Executive Director Terry Sanders, Program Development Manager Kay Mead and Community Service Representative Lisa Vigdal.

Under action items, financial reports will be given with regard to Ozark Action overall and Head Start expenditures. A report will also be given by Sanders.

Board councils giving informational reports include the Head Start Policy Council, Community Development Board, Howell County Public Housing, Workforce Investment Program and Community Services Block Grant (CSBG)/LIHEAP. Clarifications and guidance for Ozark Action boards and departments will also be discussed.

Under new business, Head Start Director Angie Kinder and Staff Support Specialist Sherrie Gregory will present 2024-25 program selection criteria for approval. Kinder will also present an application for approval, regarding a COOVER Grant to be used to support trauma-informed practices in Head Start classrooms, and a request to accept a donation from the Licking Foundation of a lot, on which the Licking Head Start facility sits. Ozark Action would be responsible for any transfer fees.

Weatherization Director Ed Botton and Workforce Director Sean Mooney will request approval from he board to accept a $4,000 grant from Rural Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) to partially reimburse travel expenses from the December seminar hosted by Rural LISC.

Disposition of equipment and property disposal will also be considered.

There are no items listed under old business, and with no closed session on the agenda, the board will adjourn.

The public is welcome and remote observation by phone or computer may be requested by calling 256-6147 or emailing sroberts@oaiwp.org.