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Ozark Action board meets Tuesday


The Ozark Action Board of Directors will meet for dinner at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday in Ozark Action Building 2, 720 E. Main St. in West Plains. Dinner will be followed by a business meeting beginning at 6 p.m., expected to last about two hours.

On the agenda for the regular board meeting, a board orientation and training will be given by Program Development Manager Kay Mead, then under action items, financial reports will be given with regard to Ozark Action overall, Head Start, the agency balance sheet, and funding from a U.S. Employment and Training Administration Workforce Opportunity for Rural Communities grant. A report will also be given by Sanders.

Board councils giving informational reports include the Head Start Policy Council, Community Development Board, Howell County Public Housing, Workforce Development Program, and Community Services Block Grant (CSBG)/Low Income Heating Assistance (LIHEAP). Board updates will also be given and discussed.

Under new business, Interim Head Start Director Angie Kinder will present a grant request for the Alton Head Start to apply for funding to replace a modular unit with a new one, and Workforce Director Sean Mooney will present a request to apply for about $104,500 from the Missouri Community Action Agency for the cost of operating the SkillUp program that helps people receiving SNAP or TANF funds get skills, training and connections for a better job.

An update will be given regarding a strategic plan to handle employee turnover, and disposition of equipment and property disposal will also be considered.

There are no items listed under old business.

The board will move into closed session to discuss personnel matters prior to adjourning.

The public is welcome and remote observation by phone or computer may be requested by calling 256-6147 or emailing sroberts@oaiwp.org.