During this year’s Doctors' Day, celebrated on March 30, Ozarks Healthcare honored its physicians for their exceptional commitment to staying local and caring for the community, highlighting two in particular.
Dr. Kendell Clarkston, hospitalist at Ozarks Healthcare, underscored the distinct connection made by practicing medicine in the same community where one resides:
"Living in the community where you work as a physician gives you a tremendous connection with those around you," Clarkston said. "In serving patients in that setting, you can see community and environment issues that impact their ability to improve personal health. Recommendations you give patients to help them manage their health can be very specific, as you live in the community and know the resources."
Clarkston emphasizes the unique advantage of caring for neighbors, including people from various walks of life who contribute to making the community vibrant and supportive.
"The best part is caring for your neighbor, whether it's a waitress, a farmer, a nurse at the hospital you work at, or another physician in the community who is also contributing to making the community one you want to live in," Clarkston said.
Dr. Leslie Marshall, dermatologist at Ozarks Healthcare Dermatology, shares Dr. Clarkston's sentiment regarding the strong connection with patients.
"Having grown up in the Ozarks, I feel I have a connection with my patients," Marshall said. "I hope to be the kind of physician that patients can connect with and feel comfortable with due to our similar experiences and upbringing. Being from the Ozarks, I can often relate to my patients on a personal level that I feel is special.”
Marshall emphasized the importance of meeting the dermatological needs of the area and expresses gratitude for the opportunity to serve the community.
"There is a definite need for dermatology in this area, and my team and I strive daily to meet those needs to the best of our ability,” Marshall said. “I am thankful for our wonderful patients and feel fortunate to provide dermatologic care to patients in West Plains and the surrounding communities."
“Ozarks Healthcare celebrates Doctors' Day 2024 by recognizing the invaluable contributions of physicians like Clarkston and Marshall, whose dedication to local care enriches the lives of patients and strengthens the fabric of the health system’s community,” said hospital officials.