As the 2023-2024 academic year draws to a close, note West Plains R-7 School District officials, it's time for parents to “start planning your summer adventures,” and among them is the option for students to participate in summer school programs at West Plains Elementary, Middle and High schools.
Summer classes kick off May 20, and run through June 14.
At the elementary and middle summer school levels, each program “promises to engage themed academic lessons, hands-on activities and field trips tailored to each week's theme, ensuring an enriching and memorable experience for elementary and middle school students,” said district officials. Breakfast and lunch will be served each day, and transportation to and from all campuses will be provided.
At West Plains Elementary, classes are open to kindergarten through fourth grade students, with sessions running from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
West Plains Middle School will host students in grades five through nine, with classes running from 7:50 a.m. to 2:50 p.m.
The high school has several classes available this summer, including driver’s education, credit recovery and lifetime sports. Enrollment forms will be available at the high school front office. Meals and transportation will not be provided.
Parents are encouraged to complete the enrollment forms and return them to their child’s school office. Students who do not return the forms before the last day of the regular school year may not be able to begin summer school on time, caution officials. For more information, call 417-256-6158.
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