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Recognizing National Nutrition Month in March


March is National Nutrition Month. At WIC (Women, Infants and Children), we always encourage clients to visit myplate.gov for help planning a healthy diet. Get a head start on making Nutrition Month successful by trying a few tips you may find there.

To vary your veggies, eat a rainbow of vegetables — have plenty of dark green, orange and red ones. Also try new ones more than just once.

To focus on fruit, use them as a snack or after-dinner dessert in place of sugary treats.

Make half your grains whole: Whole grains are easier to get than you might think. Oatmeal is a great way to start the day, replace white rice with brown and snack on popcorn (many people don’t realize that popcorn is a whole grain!).

Go lean with protein: Have seafood at least two times each week, or try other sources of protein like beans, tofu or nuts.

Finally, build strong bones with dairy. Sometimes it’s hard to get in adequate calcium just from milk, especially if it’s not your favorite drink. Remember that yogurt and cheese count, too; add these to snacks or meals to meet those needs. Be sure to choose low-fat versions and limit added sugars.

By using the “MyPlate” visual aid with each meal, it is easy to fill your plate with all the right foods.