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Willow Springs School Board sets bus routes, career ladder plan


During Monday’s meeting of the Willow Springs School Board, members heard from high school students, considered guidelines from the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) regarding a career ladder plan and finalized school bus routes.

Student Advisory Council representatives Emma Spence, Maddie Poor and Nolan Perkins presented a discussion of topics that govern the polices and procedures of Willow Springs High School.

Discussion was held by board members regarding DESE’s most recent guidelines for the district’s career ladder for the 2023-24 school year. A career ladder plan is intended to allow employees to move into higher-level jobs or same-level positions better aligned with their future career plans. A motion made by Brent Colley, seconded by Jeff Lovan, approved the plan as it was presented, with no opposition.

A unanimous vote approved finalized bus routes, presented to the board by Assistant Elementary Principal Logan Schwalm. That motion was made by Debbie Bryan and seconded by Adam Webb.

The consent agenda approved by the board at the beginning of the meeting included August minutes, bills payable, a financial update and staffing changes. The district has a current balance of all funds of about 5.3 million, up from $5.11 million in August. At this time last year, the balance was $3.89 million.

Hooly Kinard, Madison Reed, Samantha Neal, Rylee Scarbrough and Cecilia Malkowski were approved as substitute teachers. A resignation was accepted from elementary school teacher Dawn Newberry.

The board met in closed session before adjourning. During that session, personnel matters were discussed.

Also present for the meeting were board President Mac Gum; members Scott Foste and Matt Hobson; Superintendent Marty Spence; board Secretary Mandy Scarbrough; and guests Shawn Hardman, Tom Ryan and Kristy Ryan.

A closed session was held prior to adjournment in which personnel matters were discussed.

The Willow Springs School Board typically meets at 7 p.m. on the second Tuesday of each month in the board conference room on the school campus. The public is welcome.