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WS School Board renews administrative contracts


The Willow Springs School Board recently met in regular session, setting dates for summer school and renewing administrative contracts.

At the top of the Feb. 12 meeting, the consent agenda was presented for approval, including a financial update showing the school district’s total balance is about $3.83 million, up from about $2.46 million in December. The balance was about $6.99 million in February 2023. The resignation of high school art teacher Madyson Callahan was accepted and will take effect at the end of the school year. New hires approved included Emalee Layman and Jennifer Crowl as paraprofessionals and Landon Clinton as maintenance stuff, plus substitute teachers Tom Woelfershein and Amber Clinton.

Under informational items, the board discussed administrator’s reports for the district and heard highlights from the high school chapter of the National Honor Society about students’ work.

Curriculum Director Chris Waggoner presented the 2024 District Assessment Plan and related strategies, and a plan to update middle school math curriculum to align it with the rest of the district. Superintendent Dr. Marty Spence updated the board on the food service program and reviewed the summer school proposal with the board.

Missouri School Board Association policy updates pertaining to graduation requirements and student discipline were reviewed, as was a proposed calendar for the 2024-25 school year.

Votes were taken to approve the District Assessment Plan as presented, purchase of new middle school math textbooks, MSBA policy updates, text year’s school calendar and summer school dates. All passed unanimously. Votes were also held on a motion to approve Kenny Thomas and Company to conduct the district’s annual audit for Fiscal Year 2024, and to make Friday a school day to make up for cancellations due to earlier inclement weather. The day had initially been scheduled as a professional development day.

Prior to adjourning, board members moved into a closed executive session to discuss personnel matters. A motion to offer administrators employment contracts for 2024-25 passed unanimously. Those administrators are Elementary Principal Chris Rodgers, Assistant Elementary Principal Logan Schwalm, Middle School Principal Jon Johnson, Assistant Middle School Principal Chris Cochran, High School Principal Nick Schmitt, Assistant High School Principal Dustin Forrest, Special Education Director Marlenia Barker, Athletic Director Robert James and Waggoner.

In attendance were board President Mac Gum and members Matt Hobson, Adam Webb, Brent Colley, Jeff Lovan, Scott Foster and Debbie Bryan; Student Representative Colton Stolba; Board Secretary Mandy Scarbrough; and guests Ashley Johnson, Meghan Berry, Madelyn Poor, Luke Mansfield, Jenni Collins, Josh Ennis, Donna Ennis, Meagan Jones, Haley-Jade Unruh, Nevaeh Dugger, Isaac Murphy, Ronnie Collins, Caiden Bailey, Eli Andrews, Tyler Shanks, John Jones, Travis Payne and Talon Harrelson.

The board typically meets on the second Monday of each month. The public is welcome to attend.