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I like old things. more
Many years ago, my wife and I had a friend who came home to find her husband had passed away on their front porch. Their house was on a busy street, and we often wondered how many people might have seen him lying there but didn’t stop to help. This story reflects a troubling trend — people passing by without noticing or caring about  someone in need. more
How many of you remember the days when "It’s A Wonderful Life" aired on primetime network television every December? It was practically the unofficial kickoff to the Christmas season, like a beacon calling us to gather around the television with family. There was no DVR, no streaming services, no instant access to any movie at any time. And yet, I can’t help but think that made it all the more special. more
Yes, that was Mrs. Claus in the library on Saturday! No, she wasn't checking out books, but she was reading books to our young visitors and answering their many questions about Santa, his reindeer and the elves. After Christmas crafts and cookies, Mrs. Claus was on her way to meet Santa but promised to come visit us again next year. more
“For unto you is born this day in the City of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.” (Luke 2:11) more
It’s not often that Santa’s “better half” has time to come to the library this close to Christmas, but Mrs. Claus will be paying our branch a special visit from 10 a.m. to noon on Saturday! more
Did you know that the day I write this, the 8th of December, is National Gingerbread House Day? There seems to be a day for everything and I don't keep up, but let's be festive and celebrate this one. more
I have come again into the woods on a December evening. more
This past weekend, it felt like Christmas took me by the hand and led me on a whirlwind tour of everything that makes this season special. more
It is the first day of December as I take pen and paper in hand. more
This week, I had the distinct privilege of sitting down with a local legend — Joe Spears, who just turned 100 years old. If you’ve ever wondered what it feels like to have a century of life packed into one conversation, I can tell you: It’s a little bit like getting the most fascinating history lesson of your life, with a side of charm and wit. more
With Saint Nick’s annual visit approaching and winter’s cold starting to settle in, I can imagine some folks hoping to find warm fur caps, gloves or coats under the Christmas tree. more
It was a typical Thanksgiving with warm sunshine but a bite in the air. Aproned women chatted together as they busily worked to prepare the huge meal, while menfolk were engaged in guy-talk as they waited to be called to dinner. Laughter was heard from the children as they played. more
It’s almost time for Sweets & Reads! The Friends of the Summersville Library’s annual Bake & Book Sale is scheduled to be held during library hours from Dec. 2 through 7, with the Bake Sale kicking it off at 10 a.m. Monday, Dec. 2. more
Some just-nippy mornings it wafts on the air as lightly as the fragrance of apple blossoms in spring. more
The act of writing, particularly a weekly column, is a curious dance between inspiration and obligation. It's a balancing act that requires a delicate touch, a constant negotiation between the creative spirit and the demands of the deadline. more
Monday marked another Veterans Day here in West Plains, and once again, I had the honor of covering the annual parade through downtown. There’s a comforting ritual to it, one that brings us together as a community to recognize those who have served. From children to senior citizens, every age gathers along the parade route, showing appreciation without fanfare or agenda. The only purpose is gratitude. It’s a heartwarming day, filled with that quiet, powerful sense of unity we don’t often see in our daily lives. more
After reading a new book this week, I understand why “THE BARN: THE SECRET HISTORY OF A MURDER IN MISSISSIPPI” by Wright Thompson earned a place on the NY Times’ Non-fiction Bestseller List.  Diligently researched and written with a storyteller’s gift for language and image, this true account of such a tragic event reads more like a historical fiction. more
Few people know that in frontier times, Dallas County was the site of a small Indian uprising. more
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