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To see stories that have already moved, please visit AP Newsroom. For text, photos, video, live and audio plans beyond the next 24 hours, please visit Coverage Plan. … more
Editor’s note: The following article describes an investigation into the reported sexual assault of a youth. While care has been taken to report on charges with sensitivity to survivors and readers, it may still be disturbing to read. If you are experiencing domestic or sexual violence, or if you’re a survivor of the same and in need of support, call Christos House’s hotline, 800-611-5853. more
As President-elect Donald Trump prepares to take office, many elected officials in Republican and Democratic states are preparing to either aid or oppose his policies. From immigration to education … more
Quill to close for training Fri. a.m. more
Paul J. Storms, Jr., 53, West Plains, is held in Howell County Jail with no bond after allegedly fleeing from deputies in September during an investigative traffic stop, then failing to appear for court on a charge of resisting arrest. He had an additional charge of resisting arrest added about a month later as the result of another alleged chase. more
Ozarks Healthcare officials in West Plains have announced the arrival of the first baby born at its Women’s Center in 2025. more
Students, and undoubtedly some of their parents, got a snow day Friday as a winter storm predicted to drop several inches of the white stuff moved into the area overnight Thursday. more
The following AP stories are planned for today or have moved. For text, photos, video, live and audio plans beyond the next 24 hours, please visit Coverage Plan. … more
The following AP stories are planned for today or have moved. For text, photos, video, live and audio plans beyond the next 24 hours, please visit Coverage Plan. … more
This news lookahead offers a look at major events and stories through the weekend and beyond. All times EDT and plans are subject to change. Find our latest plans in AP Coverage Plan. … more
Here’s a look at how AP’s general news coverage is shaping up for select Texas stories for the next 24 hours. To see stories that have already moved, please visit AP Newsroom. For text, … more
To see stories that have already moved, please visit AP Newsroom. For text, photos, video, live and audio plans beyond the next 24 hours, please visit Coverage Plan. … more
To see stories that have already moved, please visit AP Newsroom. For text, photos, video, live and audio plans beyond the next 24 hours, please visit Coverage Plan. … more
A winter storm warning with “significant snow risk” will be in effect starting at 5 p.m. for Howell, Oregon, Shannon, Douglas and Ozark counties, said meteorologists with the National Weather Service in Springfield. more
The following AP stories are planned for today or have moved. For text, photos, video, live and audio plans beyond the next 24 hours, please visit Coverage Plan. … more
The following AP stories are planned for today or have moved. For text, photos, video, live and audio plans beyond the next 24 hours, please visit Coverage Plan. … more
City officials explained the cause of a power outage Wednesday morning which affected the eastern portion of West Plains as an over-amperage — excessive draw of electrical current — caused by the extreme cold and the added draw on power from the use of heating devices, causing the system to shut down.
Over-amperage occurs when the demand for electricity exceeds the capacity that a substation or circuit can safely handle, officials explained, and protective systems activate to prevent equipment damage or safety risks , which can result in outages as the system automatically shuts down to safeguard critical infrastructure. more
A monkey in a pink tutu that slipped out of a Missouri home was captured before a winter storm slammed the state. “Bananas” is how the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office described the … more
West Plains schools will resume classes as normal on Tuesday, officials with the West Plains R-7 District announced. more
John C. Holstein, a retired judge whose storied career began in Howell County and included serving as chief justice of the Supreme Court of Missouri, died Tuesday, Dec. 31 at his home in Springfield. He was 79. more
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